Dan Ronan
1989 - 2014
Dan Ronan was a stand up comic, writer, and performer who lived in Chicago, then later in Los Angeles. He died at 24, but he'd developed more as a comic at that age than some will in a whole career. If you were lucky enough to have seen him perform, you know how incredibly talented he was. If you never had the chance, please peruse this site, take in the work he left behind, and experience what made him so great.
He's loved dearly by his family, friends, and fans, and he's missed every day.

"Dan was sweet , fragile, weird , beautiful but most of all funny. The world is less cool without him."
- Moshe Kasher
"Dan was someone who made me happy. Isn't that something we all need? Whenever I think of Dan, I'm happy. I think of the Lincoln Lodge and how invested he was in comedy (specifically Chicago comedy) as a living, breathing being. I think of how he told me a big fear of his was that he would go out on stage without chapstick and his lips would crack open and he'd have to end his set. So now, I always think of Dan when I use chapstick. Now you will too."
- River Butcher
"One of the things that was really incredible about Dan was his broad range of comedic skills. Most comedians are lucky to figure out one thing. Dan was great at stand-up and sketch. He was not just a sharp writer but also a dynamic performer. He could just as easily headline a show, as he could host it. He was both anarchically silly and darkly sardonic. He did so much and did it so well, all before the age of 25. He was well on his way to some publication calling him "a prolific multihyphenate," which I would have given him so much shit for. And he would have loved it because that was another one of Dan's dualities: he was focused and driven but never took himself too seriously."
- Joe Kwaczala
"I am really striking out on a quote about Dan. His love of all things Cosby might not play out so well now? What about "Dan had the soul of an excited, fun-loving child trying to escape the clutches of the mind of a circumspect young man" Too pretentious?"
- Mark Geary, Lincoln Lodge founder
"Dan Ronan was so god damned funny. He was one of the good ones. I remember nothing but great times with him when he was still with us. I think often of how talented he was, how witty and dark and dirty and dumb and sweet, and I wonder what kinds of things he would be doing now if he were still here and getting the recognition that inevitably would have come. He got laughs, real laughs that very few people ever hear, and he was in on the joke for some true insanities we can all envy. He was a friend and I miss him a lot. I miss his laugh and his smile.
Also, Dan Ronan was a really hot guy, and he knew it. Normally I guess it's considered impolite to talk about someone's hotness after they're gone? But I think Dan would think that was hilarious. So Dan, you were always a sexy fucking asshole. I hope you are getting your angel dick sucked by thousands of pansexual god spirits. And I hope they swallow."
- James Adomian
"The world was better when Dan was alive. He would have mocked himself mercilessly for all of his successes. He would have been a great friend to anyone lucky enough to be in his circle. He would laugh at the notion that he’s now equally as alive as the Vernon Hills Zanies. He would have hated all of your shitty takes on Trump. He would be funnier than you. He would probably be asking you for a ride. He’d be happy for you. He’d enjoy your happiness more than his own. He would make you sad and he’d hate himself for it. He’d make you want to do anything to help him. He’d make you believe in yourself. He’d make you laugh. I wish he were still able to do all of those things. The world would be better if he were alive."
-Drew Michael
"Many people call Dan Ronan the next Richard Pryor. Do you like Richard Pryor? Then come and check out Dan Ronan. Don't like Richard Pryor? Then go to hell, pal. I mean it. Have fun burning in hell."
- Dan Ronan, on himself